
2015-04-01 16:02 阅读(?)评论(0)


PHRED quality score of a base call, de?ned in terms of the estimated probability of error:
sanger质量值等于PHRED quality score:公式如下:


The Solexa pipeline (i.e., the software delivered with the Illumina Genome Analyzer) earlier used a different mapping, encoding the odds ratio p/(1-p) instead of the probability p:


  • Sanger format can encode a Phred quality score from 0 to 93 using ASCII 33 to 126 (although in raw read data the Phred quality score rarely exceeds 60, higher scores are possible in assemblies or read maps).
  • Illumina 1.3+ format can encode a Phred quality score from 0 to 62 using ASCII 64 to 126 (although in raw read data Phred scores from 0 to 40 only are expected).
  • Solexa/Illumina 1.0 format can encode a Solexa/Illumina quality score from -5 to 62 using ASCII 59 to 126 (although in raw read data Solexa scores from -5 to 40 only are expected)


  • If the Phred quality is $Q, which is a non-negative integer, the corresponding quality character can be calculated with the following Perl code:
    $q = chr(($Q<=93? $Q : 93) + 33);  
    where chr() is the Perl function to convert an integer to a character based on the ASCII table.
  • Conversely, given a character $q, the corresponding Phred quality can be calculated with:
    $Q = ord($q) - 33;  
    where ord() gives the ASCII code of a character.
  • 同样的方法也可以应用于solexa数据
判断Sanger quality encoding或者solexa quality encoding:

The quickest way to distinguish Sanger Q-score encoding (ASCII-33) from Illumina (Solexa) Q-score encoding (ASCII-64) is to look for numerals [0-9] in the quality string. The numerals have ASCII values from 48-57 so it would be non-sensical to subtract 64 from them. If there are numerals in your quality string then the Q-score encoding is Sanger.


  • given a character $q, the corresponding Phred quality value can be calculated with:
    $Q = ord($q) -64;  
    where ord() gives the ASCII code of a character.
  • If the Phred quality is $Q, which is a non-negative integer, the corresponding quality character can be calculated with the following Perl code:
    $q = chr($Q + 33);  
  • where chr() is the Perl function to convert an integer to a character based on the ASCII table.  
Conversion from ‘fastq-illumina’ to ‘fastq-sanger’ will be a common operation, and is very straightforward since both variants use PHRED scores but with di?erent o?sets. All that is required is to decrease the quality character codes by 31

2:Cock et al (2009) The Sanger FASTQ file format for sequences with quality scores, and the Solexa/Illumina FASTQ variants. Nucleic Acids Research,
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